Stories to inspire, challenge and educate.

To find stories related to FSW’s four priorities, click on the category below.

Policy Cameron Vickrey Policy Cameron Vickrey

Our partners give orientation on immigration process to migrants

On Nov. 30th, more than 600 migrants who are stranded in Matamoros, Mexico - just across the Rio Grande from Brownsville, Texas - were given an orientation on U.S. immigration processes by Elket Rodriguez, Cooperative Baptist Fellowship U.S.-Mexico border field personnel, with the coordination of Pastor Eleuterio Gonzalez of Valle de Beraca Church.  

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Policy Cameron Vickrey Policy Cameron Vickrey

Nuestros socios ofrecen orientación sobre el proceso de inmigración a migrantes

Más de 600 migrantes varados en Matamoros, México – justo al otro lado del Río Grande de Brownsville, Texas –fueron orientados el 30 de noviembre sobre los procesos migratorios en los Estados Unidos por el personal de campo del Compañerismo Bautista Cooperativo para la frontera entre México y Estados Unidos, Elket Rodríguez, con la asistencia del pastor Eleuterio González de l iglesia Valle de Beraca.

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Social Justice Cameron Vickrey Social Justice Cameron Vickrey

Church in Fort Worth sets example for how to advocate for justice

Fellowship Southwest supporting congregation Broadway Baptist Church in Fort Worth, Texas, is doing impactful, courageous, and faithful advocacy we think you should know about. Take a few moments to read this in-depth article from Baptist News Global about Broadway’s Justice Committee and their local advocacy work. The church has been a leader in the city calling for improved conditions and procedures at the Tarrant County Jail and for an independent investigation into why 39 inmates have died since 2019.

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Cameron Vickrey Cameron Vickrey

Thankful for Thanksgiving

We’re at the hanging stuff on the walls phase at our new house in Drippings Springs. Yes, finally. It has been a busy fall. This week I hung a sign above our kitchen table that reads “Gather Here with Grateful Hearts”

Consider this newsletter column a grateful gathering.

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Social Justice, Policy Cameron Vickrey Social Justice, Policy Cameron Vickrey

Advocates gather in D.C. to ask for immigration reforms

FSW Executive Director Stephen Reeves is in Washington, D.C. this week with Elket Rodríguez, Chrissy Tatum Williamson. Elket is a CBF field personnel and immigration specialist in Texas' Rio Grande Valley, and Chrissy is the pastor of Greystone Baptist Church in Raleigh, NC.

Evangelical Immigration Table invited advocates from all over the country to join together in an organized action week for immigration advocacy. They are asking Congress to pass long overdue immigration reforms to provide permanent solutions for Dreamers, TPS recipients, and agricultural workers, and work with administration officials to improve border management.

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Cameron Vickrey Cameron Vickrey

Entrenamiento de FSW Introducción al Trabajo Social ¿De qué se trata?

Durante los últimos cuatro meses he tenido el privilegio de trabajar junto a Fellowship Southwest y nuestro socio Jorge Zapata, enseñando "Introducción al Trabajo Social" a pastores que tienen ministerios a lo largo de la frontera entre México y Estados Unidos. La idea de este entrenamiento nació por el tipo de labor que los pastores hacen a lo largo de la frontera. Ellos son los trabajadores de primera línea durante las crisis y las emergencias, trabajando con comunidades de escasos recursos e de inmigrantes.

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Cameron Vickrey Cameron Vickrey

FSW Social Work 101 Training: What is it about?

During the past four months I have had the privilege of working alongside Fellowship Southwest and our partner Jorge Zapata, teaching “Social Work 101” to pastors who have ministries along the U.S.-Mexico border. The idea of this training was born because of the type of work the pastors do along the border. They work with very poor and immigrant communities and are the front lines during crises and emergencies.

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Cameron Vickrey Cameron Vickrey

We've been all over the Southwest this month

You might have noticed several “away” responses if you’ve tried to email one of the Fellowship Southwest staff this month. Here’s a summary of what we’ve been doing and who we’ve gotten to connect with.

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Cameron Vickrey Cameron Vickrey

Language is like a bridge

Elsa Romero demonstrates faithfulness by trusting God every step of the way in her life, never really knowing what might come next. Time and again, God has blessed her with the gift of education. She honors this gift by giving back to others in the form of education and language. She says, “Language is like a bridge. It connects us with people. It also allows us to pursue the education we need, the job we dream about, the life we want for ourselves and our children.”

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Brownsville Cameron Vickrey Brownsville Cameron Vickrey

Bienvenida y Hospitalidad Sagradas

"El Espíritu del Señor está sobre mí, porque me ha ungido para proclamar la libertad a los cautivos. "

El mes pasado en Brownsville, TX, junto al pastor Carlos Navarro y la Iglesia Bautista West Brownsville, nos reunimos en un centro de bienvenida establecido para las organizaciones sin fines de lucro. Estábamos ahí para ofrecer alimentos, agua y otras necesidades básicas a los refugiados y migrantes. Minutos antes de entrar a este centro de bienvenida, ellos son liberados de los centros de detención de la Patrulla Fronteriza.

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Brownsville Cameron Vickrey Brownsville Cameron Vickrey

Sacred Welcome and Hospitality

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to proclaim freedom to the captives.”

Last month in Brownsville, TX, alongside Pastor Carlos Navarro and Iglesia Bautista West Brownsville, we gathered in a welcome center set up for non-profits to offer food, water and other basic needs to refugees and migrants. Minutes before they enter this welcome center, they are released from Border Patrol detention centers.

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